Wednesday, 1 July 2020

3 Tips to Prolong the Life of Your Window Blinds

If you choose the right kinds of window blinds, you can enjoy them for a long time. There are materials for window blinds in Whistler that are more resistant to damage. You can check out the various options you have at Mountain Home Decor.
You should still do your part in ensuring that your blinds will last for a long time. Here are some tips that can help:
  1. Regularly dust it off
Dust can still settle on your window blinds, especially since it is at the window where it filters the air passing through. Make sure to dust it off using a pair of tongs wrapped at each end with a microfiber cloth. Use that to clean both sides of the slats of the blinds.
  1. Use a small vacuum attachment to completely clean it
Dust can also get in those nooks and crannies that are hard to reach with just the tongs. Try using a vacuum cleaner instead. Replace the attachment with one that has a narrower nozzle to effectively reach these tight spots.
  1. Avoid forcibly opening and closing them
Use the open and close mechanism gently. If you feel a snag, you should inspect it first to see if something is blocking it before forcefully pulling it.
You can also hire professional cleaners to keep your blinds in good condition. They are equipped with the right tools that will work better in cleaning the window blinds slats. They also know what cleaning methods will work, so you can avoid damage to the material.
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