Wednesday, 28 April 2021

3 Important Things to Consider When Decorating Your Home

Because of the pandemic, many of us have realized how important it is to live in a beautiful space. You don’t need to have a big house just to live in comfort.  What is important is that you surround yourself with beauty because that can affect your mental health as well. When it comes to interior design in Whistler, here are the things that you should consider: 1.   Focus on both...

Thursday, 1 April 2021

How to Choose the Right Interior Design for Your Home

  The idea of sticking to one interior design in Whistler can be quite intimidating. What if you end up changing your mind after a few years? There’s no finality to Interior Design in Whistler. It’s almost always a progressive affair. You can add or remove things you like and don’t like over the years. It’s a constantly evolving process.   So, don’t feel pressured when it comes...

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